Friday 24 April 2009

To recover or not to recover, that is the question I'm currently asking myself.

Because one of my problems is bulimia I could potentially lose weight with recovery, actually, I know I probably will, I'm at my highest weight now, I was thinner before I developed an eating disorder.

Anyway, just had 1 + 1/2 a weetabix for breakfast, which is a lot for me and I feel fulllll, how weird is that? I've been eating very little recently, but binged/purged last night.

Shit, I have school in like 20 minutes, which I hate, but whatever.
Plan for today:
  1. School.
  2. Eat lunch.
  3. School.
  4. Fran's after school.
  5. Violin.
  6. Exercise.
  7. Sleep.

Not too shabby a day methinks.

Happy Reading,

Be careful girls/guys.

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