Sunday 21 June 2009

3 Reasons To Take Multivitamins.

On a very low calorie diet but not sure whether to take multi-vitamins? Here are 3 reasons why you should:

  1. They can decrease cravings. If you've taken a multi-vitamin containing calcium, for example, there's less chance of you craving ice cream because your body doesn't need to top up on calcium and wont make you hungry for it.
  2. They can help improve your skin, hair + nails. Your skin, hair + nails can really suffer if you have a diet deficient in vitamins + minerals such as Beta Carotene and Vitamin B.
  3. If you're deficiant in various vitamins you're more prone to insomnia. A lack of magnesium, calcium and B vitamins - amongst others - can all contribute to insomnia.

I've heard great things about Biotin and many people recommend pre-natal multivitamins, but many store brands are good too.

Happy Reading :)

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