Saturday 30 May 2009

Back from my holidays.

It was very beautiful, lots of walking and swimming and diving which made me feel better about the disgusting amount of food eaten. I binged once and naturally threw up without purging. It was rather virulent (sp).

I have a weightloss goal for this week of 2lbs. Not much I know, but it will take me to a weight I haven't been for say... 2 months? I've basically maintained, occasionally slipping down then back up.
I believe the motivation of the scale going down will motivate me to lose more and go further.

Resources For You :) - BMI Calculator. - Reviewing a very wide variety of diets, plans and lifestyles. - A pro-recovery website about eating disorders with lots of information. - A look at just how much you can eat for 200 calories.

Happy Reading :)

1 comment:

legalsteroids said...

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